For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. I Corinthians 13:12
The Basic Bible Truth The Divine Trinity is a mystery to us here on this earth. We have no parallel to this kind of complexity anywhere to use as a frame of reference. God has stated plainly that He is three persons, God the Father, God the Son, who we know as Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. We see in the Word that they work so in unison and are in such agreement, that we can call Him one. Our God is complex and amazing, and so far beyond our understanding that we struggle with even the most basic concepts of who He is. It has been said, the closer you draw to God, the bigger He becomes. That is a testament to the incredible book called the Bible. We see shadows and hints of what the future will be like, but we do not know for sure what to expect. It has not yet entered into the mind of man what God has prepared for those who love Him.
The Object
A Slow Ball (Can Be Purchased On Line At A Wood Ramp
This little brass ball rolls down a shallow incline at an extremely slow rate of speed. (Roughly 5 minutes to roll 4 feet!) I think I know how it works, but I am not entirely sure. And I will not cut one open just to see how it is made. I just accept that it rolls slowly.
The Lesson
If I were asked to explain God in detail, I would humbly defer that responsibility. I know enough about God to know that I do not know enough about God. His divinity and majesty are beyond the scope of our minds to comprehend. The fact that God took a single book, called the Bible, and told us everything that we need to know about Him and placed that information between two covers is amazing. God is infinite and beyond understanding. And yet we should try to get to know Him better.
We must accept much on faith. Simply believe what He has said, much like a little child might. I have a variety of magic tricks or illusions that I perform from time to time to make a point in a lesson. I am always amazed at the expression on the face of a little child when something appears out of nowhere. They don’t disbelieve. They do believe it, and wonder. That should be our attitude. Belief and wonder at what and who God really is.
I have no explanation for this little brass ball. I do not know for sure how it works. I place it here on this inclined ramp and let it go its merry way. Notice how slowly it moves. I don’t know why. I don’t doubt that it is rolling slowly, I can see it right here in front of my eyes. I don’t make excuses for its behavior by telling you that it really is rolling quickly and that it is an optical illusion, it just seems to be rolling slowly. I don’t tell you that slow rolling balls don’t really exist. I don’t try to tell you that the ramp is not sloped steeply enough to allow the ball to roll freely. I don’t tell you that there is goo on the ramp that is slowing the ball down.
I don’t make any excuses whatsoever concerning this ball. I simply am showing you what I know about it and telling you that slow rolling balls do exist and that I have one in my life and this is it. That is the best that we can do when telling others who God is. I am doing the best that I know how to tell you that God does exist and that he is a very real part of my life. The rest is faith.
And faith is a direct gift from God. As strange as it may seem, we would not have the capacity to believe in God were it not that he gives us that capacity. Do you have doubt? Honestly ask God for faith. He will deliver. Understand that not every question will be answered this side of the grave. If that were God’s intent, He would have left us a huge library complex instead of a single book. Part of the challenge of being a child of God is accepting on blind faith that His promises about our present and our future will hold true no matter what.
This little brass ball continues to roll down the ramp regardless of your belief in it. It does not require your understanding to operate. It will continue to do so. It’s a mystery that I am willing to accept on face value. I don’t need anything else. You and I need nothing else really than an understanding of the little details we have of the incredible God we serve. The rest we will understand some day beyond the grave. What a day that will be!