Following is a complete list of lessons in alphabetical order with a short description of each. I have rated each lesson factoring difficulty, cost, and effort required to duplicate it. Handy rating system: * Very, very simple. Show up here Saturday night and download the material and print it out and you're ready for Sunday morning. ** Not very difficult, but will require some pre-planning and maybe getting a few things ready before hand. *** Ok, be prepared to put some effort into this. You may have to learn how to do an illusion or make a few props. But don't let it scare you. **** Now we are serious. We are counting prep time in hours now. And you will probably have to spend a few dollars to buy supplies. Preparation time and money--it's definitely worth it! ***** These are actually my favorites. I have never regretted spending the time to build them. I fully understand that they will be very challenging for most. If you have the abilities necessary to construct and execute these lessons, they are absolutely memorable!
Balloons and scotch tape give insight into what the Bible means when it is stated that the Christian is sealed by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation.