Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
The Basic Bible Truth
All mankind has a huge problem that we cannot solve for ourselves. It is called sin. In our frail humanity, we fail to see sin from God’s perspective. His view of sin is clearly defined as He placed the death penalty upon all who are guilty of even the slightest wrong. But our God also loves us and shows us mercy and grace by offering to us, free of charge, salvation. It is the prime ingredient of our lives. Everything else that matters, hinges on one question and its answer. Have we come to the point in our lives that we recognize our sinful condition, and our absolute inability to help ourselves out of our precarious predicament, and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives?
The Object
The Brick Balance Mechanism A Swivel Office Chair A Hard Hat
This object is physically, the largest item in my repertoire, and is great for a large venue. From end to end, it measures 24 feet long and stands over 8 feet tall. It is a mass of wood, steel and a brick. It has been carefully engineered to be safe, although it looks to be anything but that. And it can be perfectly balanced with relative ease. (If you build one, please be sure that you know what you are doing.)
The Lesson
This is a great way to visually demonstrate the need for salvation. I generally begin with selecting a volunteer from the audience, bringing them up front and setting them down in the office chair. I then place a hard hat on the individual, and tell them I will explain that later. Pushing them off to the side, I then turn them to face away from where I am working with the Brick Balance pieces. I begin assembling the mechanism as I discuss what Salvation is and why it is important to all of us. I emphasis how Paul pictured Salvation as a helmet—a most important item of attire for any warrior of that day. Our relationship with God is based upon our acceptance of His Son Jesus, when we recognize that we are sinners in need of a Savior. There are only two options in life. We either acknowledge Him to be our Lord and Savior and spend eternity in Heaven with Him some day, or we refuse the free gift that God offers us, and spend an eternity in an unimaginably terrible place known as Hell.
When my Brick Balance is fully assembled, and I am sure it is balanced nicely, I push my volunteer toward the hanging brick on the end of the contraption. I raise or lower the office chair and place them within 1 inch of the bottom of the brick. Its quite a sight seeing a real brick hanging by a thread, 20 feet out in the air, and a little kid directly under it wearing a helmet. The helmet of salvation, protecting her from everything that could harm her.
A hand-to-hand combat warrior knows that you can take a mild hit nearly anywhere on the body, but a hit to the head can be debilitating. The helmet is an essential piece of defensive equipment. Without it, the soldier is vulnerable to all kinds of head trauma. Without Salvation, we are indeed vulnerable to all kinds of things. Before we become saved, God does not consider us His child. We belong to our father the Devil, and as such, he can do anything he wants to us. Satan has shown his disdain for anyone human and is bent on convincing as many people as he can to follow him down into the abyss of Hell some day.
He doesn’t word it quite that way, though. He will lie and cheat and steal whatever is necessary to keep an individual from coming to the point of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Bible calls him wicked. That term carries with it a far more sinister meaning than what we often give it. My favorite explanation of the term wicked is this. Imagine a cruise ship owner who knows that their boat is not seaworthy, and is absolutely confident that once out at sea, the boat will break in two parts and sink like a rock to the bottom of the ocean. He has ordered that the lifeboats all be removed from the various decks, as well as all life preservers and anything on board that might float. He then runs a tremendous advertising campaign offering free cruises to anyone who would like to come. When the boat is filled beyond capacity, the unsuspecting people on board wave goodbye to those left in port, and they head out into the open sea. About 10 miles out the huge cruise liner does indeed break apart and all souls on board are lost as the captain goes down with his ship and everyone on board. That captain is a wicked man—a premeditating murderer.
Satan is that kind of individual. He knows his eventual end will be to burn in Hell forever, and is determined to take as many of us with him as possible. The message of the Gospel is a warning that Satan’s ship is not seaworthy and that God has an amazingly beautiful cruise ship docked on the other side of the harbor, and God has been offering free tickets to anyone interested for thousands of years. Yet Satan, the greatest showman on earth, always seems to gather a crowd where ever he goes.
We need Jesus in our lives. We need the helmet of salvation. We live in a very dangerous world with Satan prowling through the earth, seeking who he may devour. Our only hope is a relationship with God. He will then become our protector and we can live in this world confident that Satan cannot do anything to us that God Himself has not allowed. The helmet of salvation is a wonderful thing to wear.