Brown Envelopes (Sharing The Gospel) (Working Together)
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
The Basic Bible Truth
We have been called by God to tell the world the Good News. One of the reasons for the existence of the Church is that most of us do not have the ability to reach the uttermost part of the earth by ourselves. But together, we can achieve great things.
The Object
28 Brown Envelopes Numbered 1-28 28 Pages Of Paper, Each Containing One Word Of John 3:16
In order to share the Gospel effectively, we need a plan. Executing that plan is also important. This little activity demonstrates how we must work together as Christians to reach the world. The envelopes are handed out, and the participants are told to line up in order and read their particular page when their turn comes. If lined up in order, they should then be able to present John 3:16.
The Lesson
God’s plan from eternity past has been the salvation of man. Yes, God created man innocent and sinless, and we saw the Garden of Eden operating in its perfection for a short time, but sin entered the world and that was not a surprise to a God who operates outside of time. God’s ultimate plan was to demonstrate for the universe what true love looks like. Absolute perfect and complete love was on display when Jesus came to this earth in human form, a step down by any measure, because He loved us. I Peter 1:12 tells us that even the angels look at this thing called salvation in wide-eyed wonder. They are not eligible for such a gift, yet we as humans were created lower than they. It is an amazing offer that has been extended to us.
For those of us who take hold of the gift, who accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, are also given a challenge. We are to share our story with others in this world. The Good News is not something to hide under the covers and never share. We are to tell the world the truth of the Gospel. The task of reaching the entire world is a daunting one to the individual Christian. Thus, the importance of the Church comes into focus. What we cannot do by ourselves, we can do as a group. In Genesis, God confused the languages as mankind began to disobey His commands. Scripture says that God commented that nothing they put their community effort to would be impossible. One of the most amazing attributes of humans—when we work together, we can accomplish incredible things. That fact has not changed. We can still reach amazingly high goals when we work together. The Church is God’s chosen vehicle to spread His Word. When we put our petty differences aside and set goals that are in alignment with God’s plan, He will step in and see His plan succeed.
It is important to note at this point that the accomplishments we might see are the result of God’s power and abilities and not ours. We may be sharing the Gospel, simply doing our duty, but it is He who has brought the hearer’s heart to where it is at that moment. I recall the moment that brought that truth clearly to my attention. I was filling in one Wednesday evening church service, using the story of David and Goliath as my text. It was anything but a presentation of salvation. I talked about faith and actions and such, but I don’t believe I even touched on the topic of a personal relationship with God. I found out later that a young lady visiting that night was brought to tears by the truth of the Word, and God so moved in her heart that later that evening a couple from our church led her to the Lord. They told me about it later. I was quite honestly stunned. That was the day it finally sunk into my little brain that God is the one who moves hearts and minds, and not us. We simply do what we are commanded and He will take care of the rest.
We have the task of simply working together to let everyone know who God is and what He has done in our individual lives. And for the Christian, there is nothing more exciting than being a part of what God is doing.