Ladder Of Success (Walk With The Lord) (Sanctification)
The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. 3 When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, 4 Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned. 5 From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the Lord was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field. 6 So Potiphar left everything he had in Joseph’s care; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate. Genesis 39:2-6
The Basic Bible Truth
The goal of our lives should never be worldly success. That reward is fleeting and easily lost. The story of our lives should be one of a close walk with the Lord. Joseph had every reason to turn his back on God, but he never wavered from serving the God he believed in and trusted with this life. Yes, Potiphar noticed his hard work and abilities and used them as he could, but the most important aspect of this story is that Joseph walked closely with his God.
The Object
A 12 Foot Step Ladder Small Signs Printed With “A Relationship With God” For Each Step
I normally use the tallest ladder that will fit into the building. As I am in the construction industry, I have access to every length ladder imaginable. Taped to each step but folded over to the top of each step so that it is not visible to the audience is a sign that says simply “A Relationship With God”.
The Lesson
(I walk into the room, carrying my ladder and set it up in front of the group. I then crawl up to the top, turn around and sit on the very top step of the ladder and begin the lesson.)
Many people in the business world talk about climbing the ladder of success. Well, this is it. This is the oft talked about ladder. Every successful person in the world must climb this ladder—this very ladder. Now, you may be telling yourself, I thought that was just an expression. Nope. This is the ladder everyone talks about.
You see, I’ve done the research, and I have discovered just what it takes to win the game of life. Success is measured differently by different people. I measure it by the Word of God. Success, according to God, is actually quite simple, and yet so difficult. Let me crawl down and turn over this sign on the first rung on the ladder of success. “A relationship with God.” Now that is a really good idea.
God’s plan from eternity past was first seen in the Garden of Eden. The Scriptures hint that God would come down and walk and talk with Adam daily. This was before the fall and life was perfect—and this is what God termed perfection. Can you imagine what that must have been like? What did God look like? What did He sound like? What did He smell like? We will not realize the answers to those questions until we reach Heaven someday. Until then, we do what we can. And the closest we can get to knowing the intricacies of God, is to read and study the Bible, and then spend time talking to Him. God dearly loves us. If we understand the zeal of God, we understand that what He desires is not an ordinary relationship like we might have here on earth with our friends. He wants our everything—all day, every day. And He will give us Himself in return.
Now, on the second step. I’ll crawl back down here and turn over the second sign. “A relationship with God.” Seems familiar. A relationship with God comes with all kinds of benefits. We have freedom from worry and anxiety here on earth. We can cast everything on His shoulders, and not have to worry about a thing. He will take care of us. We have joy. Even in the most difficult of circumstances, our joy is in God and His gift to us. The troubles of life are fleeting when compared to Heaven, and we need to compare more often, because we who are Christians will be there some day. And a relationship with God gives us a permanent purpose in life. All of us want to be here for a reason. Walking with God gives us that chance to fulfill that desire.
Ok, what about the third step. Let’s go down and see. Well, how about that, “A relationship with God.” There seems to be a pattern here. Our relationship with God can become easily broken and bent. Sin in our lives separates us from God. It is paramount that we understand the effect of sin upon our relationship with a holy God. God is perfect. So perfect, that if we were to gaze for a moment upon His full glory, we would die instantly. God cannot condone or abide with sin. And when we harbor sin in our lives, we have taken a step back and away from God. Our close walk is in jeopardy. The solution is to ask forgiveness. He will forgive and restore our walk with Him.
Step four. It looks to be the same. In fact, five, six, seven—they all say the same thing. The measure of true success is based completely upon our walk with God. The closer we are to Him, the more successful we become. Maybe not by the world’s standards, but by God’s—and they are the ones that really count.