Following is a complete list of lessons in alphabetical order with a short description of each. I have rated each lesson factoring difficulty, cost, and effort required to duplicate it. Handy rating system: * Very, very simple. Show up here Saturday night and download the material and print it out and you're ready for Sunday morning. ** Not very difficult, but will require some pre-planning and maybe getting a few things ready before hand. *** Ok, be prepared to put some effort into this. You may have to learn how to do an illusion or make a few props. But don't let it scare you. **** Now we are serious. We are counting prep time in hours now. And you will probably have to spend a few dollars to buy supplies. Preparation time and money--it's definitely worth it! ***** These are actually my favorites. I have never regretted spending the time to build them. I fully understand that they will be very challenging for most. If you have the abilities necessary to construct and execute these lessons, they are absolutely memorable!
A fun little spoof of the religious power teams that travel the nation. Our true strength is in Christ. (Wanna learn how to tear a phone book in half?)