For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:16-17
The Basic Bible Truth
Jesus is the Son of God, the Creator of the universe. He is the one who holds it all together in the palms of his hands. Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity, who came to this earth in the form of a servant so that we might understand Him better.
The Object
A Long Haired Gray Wig Sunglasses Red Bandana
Naitsirhc is a character I created many years ago. He shows up occasionally to share with different groups. He speaks with a terrible accent, a blend of Indian, Scottish, Australian, and who knows what else. He presents himself as a friend of mine who has been invited to speak that particular day. He is a missionary from his country, which is very, very far away, and is there to tell them about the creator of the universe. His accent is so terrible and some of the words so strange, another adult has been asked to write key words down on the white board as he uses them. The premise, you will discover at the end, is that in his culture, some key words are read from right to left instead of the standard left to right. Those key words have been written down on the board as they sounded—backwards. The audience realizes the mistake at the end of the talk. These are the key words to have an assistant write down as they are used:
Nos Fo Dog—nahs-fo-dog
El Bib—el-beeb’
The Lesson
Good evening ladies and gentelmens. I am from very, very far away and am most very glad to be here with you to speak to you peoples about my peoples. I am sorry about my accent, but your language is so very, very difficult to understands that I struggles very much with it many times. But I am learning how to use your language very, very much, and I learn very big secret to speak your language. It is to put the emphasis (pronounced, em-PHA-sis) on the right syllable (pronounced, syl-AB-ul). It works very, very, very well to help me understand what I am talking about to you as peoples.
My name is Naitsirhc. That is my name. It is a good name for me to have. All of the peoples in my far away country have names but not all of them have name like mine. Mine is a good name; I like it.
As I say, I am from a very, very far away. My peoples are known as the Nacirema. They are a very, very big group of peoples that live over a wide area. They are a very, very, good group of peoples. And I am more specifically from the Asu tribe of the Nacirema. The Asu are also a good peoples, and that is where I am from.
I travel from the land of the Nacirema as, how you say in your language, a missionary, (pronounced, mee-shawn-uh-ree’). Yes I am here to tell you about who my peoples, the Asu, worship. Now, not all of them worship as I do, but many years ago there were more than now. I am a missionary to share with you how many in the Asu tribe worship. We worship the great creator of the universe. Our holy book tell us that he create everything in world, even the stars and the moon, from nothing. He just speak and it is there. The great creator of the universe is who the Asu worship. He is very, very special and he is a very, very big Dog. Yes, a big Dog. The creator of the universe is a Dog and we know him from the holy book as the great Nos Fo Dog. Nos Fo Dog, just speak and the universe it happen just as he wanted, and it is amazing, and I am here to share this with you as a missionary this truth.
From the holy book we learn much about Nos Fo Dog. We learn what he is like, and we even learn his name. Yes, he even has a name that we can know. The great Nos Fo Dog has a name, and he is called Susej. Susej. The name of the great Nos Fo Dog. A very special name for surely.
We in the Asu tribe learn much about Susej. But everything we know and learn about him comes from the holy book, El Bib. It is a very, very ancient book, written many thousands of years ago, and this great holy book tell us everything we need to know about Nos Fo Dog, Susej. We study the holy book to learn much. El Bib is a very, very special book, not like any other book in the world. Everything in the holy book is absolutely true. It is wonderful to know about Susej.
We learn from the holy book, El Bib, how Susej lived his life. He came to this world and showed us how to live. That is where my name comes from in our culture. It mean to be like Susej. I study the holy book and I learn that Susej was tnavres. And I want to be tnavres too. In our culture, tnavres means to look for those who need helps and then helps them with their difficulty. That is tnavres. I wish to be looking around to help peoples who need helps. That is a very good thing to be in any culture. To be tnavres.
I am most wonderful thankful for invite me to speak to your peoples and be able to share about the great Susej, the great Nos Fo Dog, and how he is tnavres, so you can be tnavres too. And I wish to thank my helper here who has been writing this words on this board for you to help you understand because of my accent and broken…what is this on the board?...I not use these words…what are these words?...I do not understand where these come from………………………………….oh my goodness!... A thousand pardons upon myself, for I have made a very, very big mistake. I have forgot to tell you that in my culture, some words are read from right to left. And I have see now what happen. You write words backwards on board. See?
Naitsirhc--------should be Christian. That is my name. (Still pronounced, nayt’-surk) Nacirema-------American. Have you now heard of the American? (Still pronounced, naws-uh-ray’-muh) That is very, very good for me that you have heard of them. So then do you know about the Asu? Asu---------should be USA. You have heard of the USA tribe. (Still pronounced, aw-soo’) Then maybe you have heard of the great creator of the universe, the great big Dog. Nos Fo Dog------------the Son Of God speak this universe together and we worship him. (Still pronounced, nahs-fo-dog) And then maybe you know his name. Susej-------------is Jesus. (Still pronounced soo-sedg’) You do know of Susej. That is so wonderful. It make my heart very, very glad that you know about him. El Bib--------------Bible. (Still pronounced el-beeb’) Then you study the ancient holy book as well. That is so wonderful, so wonderful. Tnavres-----------so you wish to be servant? (Still pronounced, tuh-nawv’-rus)
It is most a thousand pardons on me for my mistake, but I am glad we all worship the same. I am very glad. And I thank you for your patience with my accent and my strange cultural ways and wish to thank you for invite me to come to speak to your peoples about the great Nos Fo Dog, Susej.